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주제명 : 예술 > 공예,장식 페이지 23/51 
자관 도서 검색 결과
번호 서명 저자 출판사 년도 청구기호 유형
221 Manual of equine reproduction Brinsko, Steven P. Mosby/Elsevier 2011 636.108982 B858m3 단행본
222 Manual of internal fixation in the horse Fackelman, Gustave E. Springer-Verlag 1982 636.1089715 F142m 단행본
223 Marketing 전략으로서 Brand Identity에 관한 연구 박인창 저 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 1989 639 박68 논문
224 Massage techniques for horse and rider Bromiley, Mary W. Crowood Press 2010 636.10895822 B868m 단행본
225 Midnight Ride of the Red Horse Raithel, Darrell P. St. Clair Publications 2010 636.1089 R161m 단행본
226 Native American horse gear :a golden age of equine-inspired art of the nineteenth century Sage, E. Helene. Schiffer Pub. 2012 636.10837 S129n 단행본
227 Natural methods for equine health and performance Bromiley, Mary W. Wiley-Blackwell 2009 636.1083 B868n2 단행본
228 New Horizons for Veterinary Medicine prepared by the National National Academy of Sciences 1972 636.089 N532 단행본
229 Nitrogen fluxes in intensive grassland systems Meer, H. G. van der. M. Nijhoff 1986 633.2894 M495n 단행본
230 Osteopathy and the treatment of horses Pusey, Anthony Blackwell 2010 636.10895533 P987o 단행본
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